WHRL-WPI Humanoid Robotics Lab

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Robot Point Of View


RViz is compiled with oculus-rviz package, thus adding oculus as a secondary display for visualization from Atlas's point of view

3D object detection


Object Detection and Recognition in 3D Point Cloud scene using Lidar data​ .

Implementing a 3D object detection framework for Boston dynamics ATLAS using its multisense head as perception sensor for applications dealing with robot perception.
● Developed a ROS package for point clouds with segmentation node (using euclidean distance clustering) and an action server which implements viewpoint feature histogram (VFH) and SVM classifier (tested on Washington 3D dataset).
● Currently working on Multi Viewpoint Convolutional Neural Networks (MVCNN) and 3D-CNN to replace feature descriptor and SVM from the pipeline and improve the accuracy of the system.