Self Driving Car Projects


Behavioral cloning

Implementation of Behavioral cloning for Udacity Self driving car Nanodegree.

Vehicle Detection

Implementation of Vehicle detector using HoG and Random Forest.

Advanced Lane line detection

Implementation of Advanced Lane line detection for Udacity Self driving car Nanodegree.

Traffic sign classification

Traffic sign classifier for Self driving car using YOLO and LISA dataset.

Lane line detection

Implementation of Lane line detection for Udacity Self driving car Nanodegree.

Traffic sign classification

Traffic sign classifier for Self driving car using LeNet and GTSRB dataset.

PID controller

An implementation of PID controller for self driving car.

Model Predictive controller

Implementation of MPC for Udacity Self driving car Nanodegree.

Extended Kalman Filter

Implementation of extended kalman filter for sensor fusion of lidar and radar.

Unscented kalman filter

Implementation of unscented kalman filter for sensor fusion of lidar and radar.

Particle filter

Implementation of Particle filter for localization using Udacity Self driving car Nanodegree.